Find a Company by Category in Ghent
Our database contains 840 business listings registered in Ghent, Belgium. Please find the category you are looking for.
- Advertising15
- Agriculture1
- Allergy services1
- Aluminium2
- Apartments1
- Architectural services1
- Arts and Crafts2
- Assembly equipment1
- Attractions1
- Automobilia1
- Automotive2
- Baby clothing1
- Bakers1
- Banks, credit unions2
- Beauty products1
- Beauty professionals23
- Beauty salons4
- Body piercing4
- Books1
- Building materials1
- Business centres3
- Camera shops5
- Carpet & Rug Dealers-New1
- Champagne17
- Chemicals3
- Chemicals cleaning1
- Chemists1
- Cleaning equipment & Services2
- Clothing and Accessories16
- Coatings2
- Comics1
- Communications2
- Complementary therapy1
- Computer software solution1
- Construction78
- Construction equipment2
- Construction services55
- Construction training1
- Consumer behaviour1
- Contract cleaners1
- Cosmetic surgery1
- Cottages5
- Data collection1
- Decorators1
- Design and Print10
- Digital media1
- Doctors and Clinics68
- Education2
- Electrical goods13
- Electrical Service1
- Estate agents1
- Event photography1
- Event services5
- Farming1
- Fashion5
- Film, Television and Video4
- Financial activity1
- Fitness8
- Food manufacturing1
- Food products37
- Food retailers38
- Furniture3
- Gardeners2
- General business30
- General office services4
- Golf courses6
- Graphic design1
- Headwear1
- Health and safety1
- Health care1
- Hobbies1
- Home and Garden42
- Home cinema4
- Home Remodeling1
- Homecare1
- Hospital pharmaceuticals1
- Hostels4
- Hot stones massage1
- Hotels2
- HR consultancy1
- Human resources1
- Industrial automation1
- Industrial equipment5
- Industrial premises1
- Information technology3
- Insurance companies13
- Interior design2
- Internet service providers1
- Investment companies1
- Japanese restaurants2
- Jewellery2
- Kids1
- Kitchen equipment2
- Lawyers21
- Leisure11
- Letting agents2
- Lingerie2
- Locksmiths2
- Logo design12
- Market research1
- Massage7
- Massage therapists9
- Medical equipment1
- Mobile phone shops2
- Motorbikes1
- Music3
- Nursing and Care1
- Office supplies3
- Oil & Gas Companies2
- Online advertising1
- Online communities1
- Online Content2
- Overseas accommodation1
- Overseas property1
- Pest Control1
- Pets and Animals1
- Pharmacies1
- Photography8
- Physiotherapy2
- Picture framing2
- Pilates5
- Plastic surgery1
- Podiatry1
- Printing16
- Property consultants1
- Pumps Manufacturers1
- Renovation1
- Restaurants318
- Rubber products1
- Satellite communications1
- Security services2
- Shoes6
- Skincare1
- Small business2
- Software applications2
- Specialist accommodation5
- Sports17
- Sports massage3
- Swimwear2
- Tax consultants3
- Taxis2
- Telephone engineers1
- Thai massage2
- Therapeutic massage1
- Therapy centres1
- Tour operators6
- Translation services3
- Vehicle sales1
- Vehicle services6
- Video production1
- Warehouse refurbishments1
- Watches and Clocks1
- Web Design1
- Web development2
- Web hosting5
- Web services1
- Wedding photography2
- Weddings1
- Wine and Beer38
- Yoga3